Yes, that is correct! If you knew my bosses, Richard and Rob, they are 2 wild and crazy boys!!! And yes, that zebra is my nemesis! When Richard came into our NYC shop with that zebra I think I almost fainted. Where do I put that? Why did you buy it?? and wait - where the hell, I am going to put that (again???) Well, let's just say that Zebra has had many, many, many, many, many homes and met many new friends over the years! And now I can say "I love that Zebra!" But what is so great, is that, you can BUY THAT ZEBRA! Yes it's weird, yes it's funny but it's a great great piece to show! Do you need it for a play, movie or just to put in large backyard??!! Who knows ..but that's what I thought too but let me tell you one thing THAT ZEBRA GETS ATTENTION! Every customer and every tourist that came into our store, took pictures with that zebra every day, 10x a day! Here are a few pictures of our beloved Zebra! Email me at [email protected] for a price. Enjoy!