Purchase our RHINO EAR WASHER ear wax removal system in a kit! Comes with EVERYTHING you'll need to efficiently clean ears in the OFFICE, including a convenient storage bracket!
This Kit Includes:
- One [1] DOCTOR EASY EAR WAX REMOVAL AID DROPS so you can soften stubborn wax prior to cleaning.
- Twenty [20] DOCTOR EASY DISPOSABLE TIPS to avoid cross contamination. That's enough for 20 patients!
- One [1] DOCTOR EASY EAR BASIN. Stop struggling with an emesis basin! Get a genuine ear basin and see the difference it makes!
- One [1] WALL BRACKET for convenient storage of your awesome Rhino Ear Washer when it's not in use.
Product Details:
- Rhino Ear Washer with 3 Disposable Tips
- Basin
- Bracket
- Ear Wax Softening Drops
- 20 Rhino/Elephant Disposable Tips