Designed for quick deployment and intelligent organization, the Med Pro™ kits are top choice for first responders. The Med Pro Medications Organizer is the smaller version of Conterra's . Contained in a tough exterior, the Med Pro kits offer protection to the most medications while clearly displaying all its contents upon deployment.
The Med-Pro™ Medications Organizer is a marvel of design and workmanship. It is built to hold a large assortment of drugs in an incredibly small space. When unzipped, the pack lid holds itself upright to reveal a padded space for pre loaded medications, a zippered compartment for large syringes and 250ml solution bags, as well as an elasticized organizer for smaller syringes.
The foldout inner module accordions out to reveal a fifteen pocket medication organizer, which is elasticized, padded, and armor plated with Corex plastic. This, and the padding of the bag and other meds, offers a high degree of protection for your more fragile medications such as ampoules and vials. Under the foldout is a more cavernous space for larger medications with an adjustable divider. This is a good space for pre-loaded meds, dextrose, etc.
The Med-Pro is sized to fit into Conterra’s and packs, but will work in most other brands. We absolutely guarantee that this is the best pack of its kind that you can buy. If you need to carry a wide assortment of meds in the smallest area possible, then this is the kit for you. Add separately. Medical supplies not included.
Volume: 616ci
Dimensions: 8" x 14" x 5.5"
Weight: 2lbs., 3oz